The wolfman

Year of release : 2010


Run time : 2h5min


Genre : Horror / Fantasy


Cast : Anthony Hopkins, Benicio del Toro, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving



Lawrence is an actor. His brother's fiance, Gwen, visits him at the play's after party to tell him his brother's gone missing,and she fears him dead.


Although,reluctant,Lawrence returns to his family home. As soon as he comes back,his nights are filled with nightmares,as he keeps on dreaming about his mother's death,ruled a suicide.


He can't wait to leave,and he has this sort of dread,regarding the place. Maybe it has to do with his father being weird, cold and distant, like a villain. There's a chilly way about him,the look on his face, the things he says, he doesn't seem like a loving father.


His brother's body is found completely maimed.


Trying to solve the mystery, Lawrence is clawed and bitten by the beast which wreaked havoc on a full moon night.


The movie was entertaining,what I didn't like what the fact it portrayed the gypsies as speaking Romanian. Romanians are not gypsies ( which is what would one understand from watching this),and we don't understand their language, as it's not Romanian. In such a context,they would not speak Romanian,but their Indo-Aryan language.


The music was fine,it reminded me of the 1992 Dracula movie soundtrack,as it had a certain melody line which sounded just like that one. The actors were all good,Hugo Weaving reminded me of his Agent Smith,as a few times,his voice inflections sounded just like in the Matrix. I watched him in many movies,and this was the first time this happened.


Rating : Worth a watch !