Ticket to paradise

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Julia Roberts, George Clooney



Georgia and David are a couple who divorced 19 years ago, and who can't stand each other. Georgia feels David minimalizes what she does for a living, and dates a French young man, who loves everything about her.


Their daughter just graduated from college and she goes on a trip to Bali with her best friend who is like a sister to her.

There, she meets and falls in love with a local man, who has a seaweed farm.


37 days later, they're getting married. Her parents, who hate each other, decide to join forces to make her cancel the wedding, that meaning they have to sabotage everything about the wedding.


The movie was entertaining and provided the audience with amazing landscapes of Bali.


The actors were all great,and it was a joy to see them interact.


Rating : Worth a watch !