Time is up

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Drama / Romance


Cast : Bella Thorne



Vivien is getting ready for a physics test. Her father is always away on business. She sees her mother is going out at night and comes back late at night. Her boyfriend is not much around,as he is always busy doing someone else, I mean something else, and only has time for her in short messages.


She follows her mother one night,and sees her with a man at a restaurant. On her way back, a group of men pick on her,taking her purse. Roy appears and gets her purse back,offering to get her home. She refuses.


Roy lives in a trailer park with his father and little sister. His mother died drowned in the sea( he literally said she just stopped swimming and drowned). He is pretty good at swimming and hopes to get a scholar ship to college,but his heart is not really in it.


He sneaks inside the school at night, to swim. One night, he sees the coach with Vivien's boyfriend,acting close, too close,more than friends,close. Seeing him, Vivien's bf snaps and threatens Roy that bad things are gonna happen to him ( Roy) if he's gonna tell on him and the coach.


Roy seems to like Vivien and sees this as an opportunity to get close to her.


I first watched the 2nd movie,with a group of friends, which was a bore. Then one of my friends found the first one,and watched this one too,on a movie night out.


I'll have to say I didn't expect this one to be a good movie, but it was way better than the 2nd one.

The acting was better,the plot..


I still didn't like the tattoos on the lead. He's supposed to be a teenager,but he's full of tattoos,he says a friend of his tattooed him,learning how to do tattoos. What?!


The boyfriend was annoying and unlikeable due to the things he did to her, the way he treated people( Vivien, Roy), the things he said to Roy,and not only,he seemed very selfish,self centered.


The movie has nothing to do with the 2nd one.


I find it odd that Roy's family had a house in Italy,but his father decided to take his family back to the trailer park in the USA. In the 2nd one Roy says he wants to renovate the house, but he doesn't have a job,and he's broke,so with what money?


Also, Roy's passion for photography and him being good at it, is not addressed in this one.


The movie takes us to Italy in some pretty amazing places, even the hotel they stayed at was beautiful.


The movie didn't bore / annoy me like the 2nd one, but I wouldn't want to watch it again.


The movie is an Amazon original and can be found on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !