To kill the beast

Language : Spanish


Country : Argentina / Brazil / Chile


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h20min


Genre : Drama / Narrative



Emilia arrives at her aunt's hostel right at the border between Argentina and Brazil.

She keeps on leaving messages to her lost brother. Although, no one answers, we are shown his place with the dog. At one point I saw the reflection of someone in the glass frame. I don't know if it was done on purpose or by accident, but if the dog is there, and he's been missing for a year, that dog can't be living alone, someone takes care of it.


Although her aunt says she doesn't need her, she takes her in.


Emilia befriends this girl she is asking for a phone to call her brother (again,eye roll), as she has no signal in that area. She tells her of a beast who takes the shape of animals, being the soul of an evil man.


She seems to be attracted to women, and at the club she watches men kissing.


I personally hated the movie, I hated the way it was shot,as it has these long scenes like pictures, of still landscapes,or rotten fruits. The movie actually has a 30 seconds scene of rotten fruits. And this keeps on happening throughout the movie,as everything is filmed like this.

People interact in these long boring scenes in which they just stare at each other. Sometimes the lead asks someone something and they just stare at her for 30 seconds of the movie. Cutting these useless scenes, the movie would have been only an hour or less.


The movie looks like it was filmed by someone in film school.


People are shot by placing the camera in the middle of the room, and filming them in the room, most times them not being in the shot. Or just putting the camera in front of them, and just letting them dance for 30 seconds of silence or music.

There's these annoying close ups of people dancing,to the point one barely understands something, or closeups of people's heads, again for one minute.

When that doesn't happen, the camera is placed away from them, as we see them in the distance for whole minutes,talking.


Everybody looks bored or tired.


The leading lady looks as if she's sleepwalking through the movie. She's always walking slowly, and looks like she's tired and about to fall asleep.


The movie is labeled as thriller, mystery, fantasy, I assure you it's not, it's a slow burn drama!


The movie is streaming on HBO Max.


Rating : The Horror, THE HORROR!