Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 52min-1h5min , 8 episodes


Genre : Action / Adventure / War & Military / Mystery / Thriller / Mini Series / Tv Series


Cast : John Krasinski



The show is based on Tom Clancy's fictional Ryanverse political drama franchise which centers on the character Jack Ryan,first published in 1984.


Jack Ryan is a former Marine and a CIA agent.




Season 3



The season opens in 1969 Russia,with a team of scientists who failed to build a nuclear weapon invisible to the radar, considered dangerous, and killed by the army.


In present day, Italy, Ryan is told by a Russian minister, the Sokol project,terminated in 1969,which ended with the scientists' deaths, was reopened, and they succeeded in building the weapon.


Russia is concerned NATO is moving missiles into the Czech Republic, and send its defense minister to have a talk to the president of the country.

The president of the Czech Republic wants to make sure Russia is not posing a threat to her country so she pretends to be interested in the NATO deal,asking Russia to stay out of Ukraine.

Unluckily for her, the Russian minister is k!lled at a football match they are both attending. And it seems the new Russian minister of defense worked with the Czech Republic's president's head of security, Radek, in seeing it done. Their goal, recreating the Soviet Union.


Jack Ryan is hunted by a Russian intelligence team after he and his team went on a mission on a Russian boat, and rescued the scientist working on Project Sokol. The scientist reluctantly tells him he built a 3 megatones weapon,invisible to radar.


Jack Ryan gets the help of one of his friends and former CIA agents, November.


The FBI wants Jack Ryan, charging him with violating the Espionage Act, so they take over the investigation.


As the plot unravels more people come out of the shadows as the ones behind the setting in motion of the Sokol Project,one of them being the Czech President's father.


Ryan, and his allies ,are trying to find out where they plan to drop the bomb, and stop it from happening.


The acting was good ,from everybody involved.

The visual effects were good.

The soundtrack was really good.


One thing that bothered me,was everybody was talking in english when they were supposed to talk in their own language,as they were all Russians, or Czechs.


The series are streaming on Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : Worth a watch !