
Year of release : 1960


Run time : 1h15min


Genre : Horror / Psychotronic



The movie starts with a good narration of the leading man,opening the scene which leads to his Torment.


Vi,a jazz singer,whom the leading man used to date,comes to the island where he is about to have his wedding with a young rich woman, within a week.

Vi still loves him,and is unable to let him go. Meeting in the lighthouse,she threatens him with showing the world the letters he sent her,and as a big jazz piano player,he worries,which means,maybe,he was cheating on his fiance,whom he claims to love.

Fighting, the railing Vi is leaning on breaks,and she falls,as he refuses to help her.


Now Tom is haunted by what he's done, and Vi. He thinks he can see her in the waves,dead, that he can hear her,but nobody else can. Her perfume lingers in the air and people think it's flowers.


Tom has this little girl with a crush on him (which I don't understand,as the man looks old),his fiance's sister,who kinda follows him everywhere .


He also gets a blackmailer on his tracks,as he puts the pieces back to back.

What I find amazing,is the police never shows up.


The women were young and beautiful,especially the one playing Vi,the man old,and not so attractive.


The actors were good.


The visual effects were good for that era.


I hated the music,as it was loud,screeching at my ears. When it wasn't loud,it was jazz,and I simply hated it.


You can watch the full movie for free,here :


Rating : Worth a watch!