
Year of release : 2024


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Suspense / Psychological Thriller


Cast : Josh Hartnett


Director : M.Night Shyamalan



The movie is inspired by the 1985 Operation Flagship, a sting operation organized by the United States Marshals Service and the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington which resulted in the arrest of 101 wanted fugitives.


The movie opens with a father and daughter who reach the concert venue of the daughter's favorite singer, Lady Raven. After they see her coming out of her trailer, they go inside the concert venue.

The concert starts,and the daughter loves it.

From the moment they go in, the father, Cooper, notices there's a lot of police officers at the venue, and when he sees they start picking men from the crowd, he starts getting suspicious. So he starts leaving the concert to go around the place, to find out what's going on,and how to get out.

He keeps on bumping into this crazy lady,the mother of one of his daughter's friends,whom she had a fallout with.


The movie has many twists and turns, as Cooper has 9 lives.


At first, Lady Raven only appears on stage, but then, looking for a way out, Cooper manages to get his daughter to meet her, hearing it might be a way to escape the police.


Lady Raven was a wholesome character,who,once she got involved, was involved 'till the end, not many have that courage! Although called Raven,meaning of a glossy black color, she is always dressed in white.


M.Night's daughter Saleka plays Lady Raven, who is an R&B singer and song writer. If the songs in the movie were hers, she just got a new fan!


I don't think that during a concert one can move that much, also, from what I recall, the buying(of fan items ) happens before the concert .The concert also takes place on daylight.But maybe the director made these choices so we'd not get bored if everything happens in the audience,while we listen to music.


The actors were great, I think the best were Ariel Donoghue, who plays Riley, the daughter; Josh Hartnett,who plays Cooper,the s3rial k1ller,and Alison Pill,who plays the wife . Ariel is very good at playing the fan who goes through emotions seeing her idol,and not only, Josh is very good at looking out of place, faking emotions,changing character whenever the case calls for it; and Alison is very good at looking scared and afraid of her own husband.

M.Night makes a cameo,as always in his movies.


The soundtrack was great, and I also liked Lady Raven's songs.


The movie is out in cinemas across the world.


Rating : It's so money!