
Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h39min


Genre : Psychological Horror / Mystery


Cast : Melissa George, Liam Hemsworth



The movie opens with Jess,getting ready to take her son out, as she was invited on a boat trip by one of her friends.


Arriving in the harbor, she seems very sad and possibly in a state of shock,and when asked by Victor about how she's doing, and where's her son, she says he is at the special school for autistic children (we find this when he tells this to Greg,who invited her, as he likes her ). When Greg asks her if she's Ok, she hugs him,apologizing.


Greg's married friends brought a girl they want him to date (the wife mostly wants him to date this girl,her friend,Heather),but Greg seems to be interested in Jess. And for this reason, the wife doesn't like her.


Jess is tired, so she sleeps for, what someone on the ship says,hours, and when she wakes up,goes on the deck to talk to Greg.


The wind disappears and after, a strange storm arises, turning the ship over. Heather is gone, and the rest of them wait to be rescued.

A large ship passes by them, and they get on board, although it seems to be deserted.


On board, Jess has a strong deja vu feeling, as she recognizes the corridors, and even finds her keys.


Strange things start happening when Victor comes inside with a wound at the back of his head,trying to k1ll Jess,and Greg says Jess shot him!


Trying to run from the k1ller ,and succeeding in getting rid of the k1ller, she sees the shipwreck with her and her friends passing by the ship again,and them boarding. Again.


Not knowing what's going on, Jess walks around the deserted ship, and keeps on seeing more versions of themselves boarding the ship,while the ones already on the ship are being stalked and k1lled by the same k1ller.


The k1ller keeps on telling her she has to k1ll them all in order for everything to stop.


Slowly, Jess caves in,and starts believing that in order to go back to her son who is autistic,she has to k1ll all the versions of her and her friends who end up on the Aeolus(was the father of Sisyphus in Greek mythology) ship.


The name of the sailing boat is Triangle,and she’s stuck in a place like the Bermuda Triangle.


Triangle is one of my favorite movies. SPOILERS Triangle is the story of a woman caught in this endless loop because she couldn’t keep her promise to death(in the movie they bring up Sisyphus who cheated death and was condemned to roll a rock up a mountain only to fall back at night). Towards the end of the movie, after the car crash (before the car crash she realizes she's still in the loop, as she sees the pile of dead seagulls ),as she is magically fine somehow, a taxi driver asks her if she needs a ride. He takes her to the harbor. She promises to come back, as she didn't pay the fair.

Also, at the car crash scene, we see a drum set with the same symbols the drum set on the Aeolus ship had! Meaning, it's not over.


The story,written and directed by Christopher Smith, is inspired by the Greek mythology figure, Sisyphus,by the 1945 movie 'Dead of night' and Christopher Nolan's Memento. Smith wanted to make a circular movie exploring the deja vu feeling, avoiding copying movies like 1990's Jacob's Ladder.


Although the movie received positive reviews from the critics and the audience, the movie made only 1,6 million,against a budget of 12 million.


The acting,especially from Melissa George is great, she is scared,sad,tired,you can read all the emotions on her face.


The visual effects are amazing.


The soundtrack is beautiful.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !