Underworld Evolution

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Action / Horror


Cast : Kate Beckinsale



Selene and Michael are hunted by Marcus,while they're on a quest for the truth about their races.


Kraven tries to k!ll Marcus before he awakes,but he arrives too late,so Marcus k!lls him.


Marcus,is obsessed with releasing his twin brother,(who was bitten by a wolf,and became forever a lycan,unable to take human form again) from a prison Viktor put him in because he went on k!lling sprees,k!lling too many people,turning them into savage lycans. Whoever he visits to find out where his brother was imprisoned ends up dead.


These series does not disappoint in the casting department,as the actors look just like in the previous one, unattractive.


The fighting scenes were great. The costumes,better than in the previous one,I still liked Selene's, and Alexander Corvinus.


When it comes to the acting, for the most part ,it's fine,there are some actors who pose a lot ( Amelia and Selene). I always considered Kate a good actress,but in this movie she keeps on putting the same pose face.


The plot is not that great,and disappoints,as for example, Selene's father was the one creating the cage for the first lycan,William. He took his whole family to the place where he built the cage,really? His 10 year old daughter?There were her drawings in chalk on the walls of the submerged cave!( the cave was always submerged!)


In the first one we're told Viktor k!lled her family because he liked human blood and sometimes couldn't help himself,and stopped with her,because he saw his daughter in her,it was even confirmed by Kraven. Now we hear a different story,it was nothing like it,he k!lled her family because they knew where the first lycan was imprisoned,and kept her alive because she knew ..where the first lycan was imprisoned and where the keys were ( although she does not remember!)! eye roll. Way to make sense with your f@king story!


Also, it's not explained how is the father Alexander Corvinus a vampire,but his sons one a vampire,the other a werewolf,because they were bitten by a bat,the other by a wolf!This makes no sense! Yet,the father was as strong or stronger than Marcus,which means he was the first vampire,thing confirmed again by Alexander!


Marcus is,to quote a Romanian reviewer 20 years ago ,when he reviewed Resident Evil,and had something to say about a certain actress ( not Milla), "ugly and mean".


Michael is a hybrid,half lycan , half vampire,but he can't eat anymore,he can only drink blood. Aren't lycans,werewolves,feeding normally?Like, when they're in their human form,aren't they eating like humans? Lycans only eat raw meat,humans,etc,when they are hunting like animals,in their lycan state. He should be able to eat like a human,and also eat raw meat.


William was imprisoned for more than a 1000 years without food or water,I presume,as no one was there,yet he managed to stay alive,and be in shape to fight trained assassins / soldiers! Shouldn't this lycan have been dried out,half dead ,if not dead,in my opinion a 1000 years without food or water ( or whatever lycans need to survive in this universe) should k!ll someone or leave them a vegetable.

Hell,his brother,and Viktor,were asleep for less,without any blood,and they were all dried out,Viktor needed quite a few transfusions to gain his strength again! ( I never understood the "sleep for a few centuries" part )


The s3x scene was bad,just look at the angle their bodies are at! It actually made me laugh!



Rating : Worth a watch ! ,I guess,but only for the fighting scenes,other than that,is not much there to see.