
Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Sci- Fi / Action


Cast : Logan Marshall Green



A mechanic, who loves working with his hands ,and his wife, who works for a company involved with the latest technology development, are victims of a sort of hate crime,as their AI car takes them to a homeless neighborhood.

She dies and he is paralyzed from the neck down.


He is offered a chance at a normal life by the owner of a highly evolved technological company,by inserting Stem into the back of his neck to control his movements.


Stem has a mind of its own and helps him find his wife’s killers,but,Stem is not his friend.


I loved this movie!It was great!

The actor Logan Marshall Green was amazing! The lines are perfect,he’s being sarcastic at times and he’s just hilarious!

The fighting scenes were amazing.

The soundtrack was amazing!



Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !