Venom : Let there be Carnage

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi


Cast : Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Williams



The movie is based on the Marvel Comics.Venom made his first appearance in the 1984 The Amazing Spider-Man, and Carnage is Venom's son,making his first appearance in 1992,in The Amazing Spider-Man.


Eddie is trying to get back on top,when it comes to writing,and gets a job as he is requested personally by a serial killer. Due to Venom's incredible skills,they manage to find where he buried all of his victims,and the serial killer is sentenced to the electric chair.


As the serial killer wants to see him again,Eddie goes to see him. The serial killer bites him,and when put to death,he comes back as Carnage.

The first thing he does,after destroying the whole prison,is go after his love interest,Shriek. Problem is,she solves her problems through screaming,which bothers Carnage, as we know ,these species are separated from their host through loud noises,among other things.

So,this creates a rift between him and Carnage,as Carnage doesn't like Shriek and her screaming,and they are not in perfect symbiosis.


Eddie and Venom are fighting due to the fact Anne seems to be lost for good,as she is engaged to Dan.


Venom is like the freaking tasmanian devil,for he destroys the whole house,even when he doesn't want to. When he fights with Eddie he's like an angry girlfriend who destroys all of his stuff throwing them out the window,and then wrecks his motorcycle. It looked like a lovers quarrel which made it funny.


Things I didn't like for they didn't make sense : at the beginning of the movie Shriek is taken to a facility where people with abilities,like her,are,without being tied,cuffed,in any way! She doesn't even have a muzzle on,although she can k!ll people with her loud screams!She is shot in the head,but survives!

Years later, her hair is still arranged in the dreadlocks(which by the way,looks good),in solitary confinement! Who does her hair in solitary?!


Also,I didn't understand why isn't Eddie talking to Venom in his head,but out loud,considering he lives in his body. At times it seems people can hear and see him when he talks and his head comes out,other times, what's up with it?


The actors were good.


The soundtrack was good.


The visual effects were good.


Rating : Worth a watch !