
Year of release : 1958


Run time : 2h9min


Genre : Mystery / Noir / Psychological thriller



Vertigo is a movie adapted from the Boileau-Narcejac novel 'The living and The Dead' , directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


Detective Scott discovers he suffers from acrophobia after he almost fell to his death one night, chasing after the bad guy. Now, after he recovered, an old friend is asking him to keep an eye on his wife who is doing strange things, as if she's possessed by the ghost of another woman.


The detective starts to follow her around, seeing her doing mundane things like going to the museum and sitting for hours in front of a painting of a woman Carlotta, visits Carlotta's grave, and almost kills herself by jumping in the bay.


Scott becomes convinced the woman is possessed by the spirit of the other who committed suicide at age 26 due to her sad life, and is about to kill herself too, as she has the same age. Scott also becomes madly in love with her, and as he tries to help her, starts a relationship with her.


The movie is a story about obsession and how far it can go, to the point the one obsessed dresses the one they are with like the one they want, they make her have the same hair color and haircut. It's a man's slow descent into madness after losing the one he loves.



Rating : It's so money !