
Year of release : 1983


Run time : 1h29min


Genre : Sci / Horror


Cast : James Woods, Debbie Harry



David Cronenberg directed this bizzare movie which isn't for everyone.


The president of a tv channel searches for a new programming to attract more viewers. His engineer finds a bizzare broadcast in which people are tortured and killed,and he sees this as a potential hit.

Max's girlfriend auditions for the show and never comes back, so he decides to investigate.


He finds out these are snuff films meant to mentally program people into doing the programmer's bidding, Max being the first victim.


I personally didn't like the movie, I found it not necessarily dark, in lack of a better word.


Nicky, Max's girlfriend, is into BDSM and that's the reason she auditions for videodrome. I personally don't resonate with such things, so these scenes in which she's hurting herself or asking others to hurt her are putting me off. If you're not into this lifestyle these scenes may scar you for life.


I personally didn't like the soundtrack ( although written by Howard Shore who created beautiful music for The Cell), the visual effects were good for 1983..the acting was fine..


The movie is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !