Vlad Tepes

Language : Romanian


Year of release : 1979


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : History / Drama / War



The movie was inspired by the life of the Romanian ruler, Vlad Tepes, during who's reign the Romanian Land temporarily gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. The film deals only with the second reign, being the longest (6 years).


The year is 1456, and the army of the Ottoman Empire was defeated by Iancu of Hunedoara at Belgrade. 3 days later, Iancu dies of the plague.

Mahomed the 2nd takes advantage of this, trying to conquer Europe,and the Romanian Land.


Vlad Tepes understands that once with Iancu's death all promises made before his death are void,and the Romanian Land must defend itself. He asks for the country men's help,asking for whoever loves freedom more than anything else,to come fight beside him.

After the fight, he sentences to death the traitors, as he wants to surround himself with people he can trust.


After a talk with the boyars,whom he asks about the Romanian land which is now under foreign rule, the boyars think they can control him the way they did with his predecessors ,so they let him think big, for they think they can overthrow him if he doesn't do as they tell him.


Hearing that the roads are unsafe, and thieves and robbers are thriving,stealing and k!lling,begging on daylight, and robbing by night,Vlad Tepes orders for them to be caught, and the ones who got away to be called to a feast..after which he orders for the doors to be shut,and the inn to be bu4nt down.


The directors/ boyars / governors come to counsel in the afternoon,after they took care of their business. Seeing that Vlad Tepes argues with them,they understand they can't control him,and plan to take him down.


For 3 years, since he's been in power, Vlad Tepes doesn't pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire ,and Mahomed sends his people to ask him to allow them passage through the Romanian Land to Hungary,to conquer it.The Romanian Land will no longer have to pay a tribute,and will remain untouched. Vlad refuses,for he doesn't believe that a small country such as the Romanian Land,can survive in an islamic sea.


The movie is poetry in motion,and very well made.The dialogue is beautiful,like a poem. It's a pleasure to watch the movie,to listen to the lines!

The fights are well made and look real.


The actors were good.


The soundtrack si Ok, just that in some cases it felt like in some fight scenes,the music was too happy for what was on the screen.


The link to the full movie with English subtitles here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqbagKqtbAQ


and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8wG9sBA7H8


Rating : It's so money!