Walking chaos

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Adventure


Cast : Tom Holland, Mads Mikkelsen, Nick Jonas



This dystopian movie is based on the book 'The knife of never letting go' by Patrick Ness, pusblished in 2008 .


The year is 2257 AD on a distant planet, much like earth, and there are no women left, all having been k!lled by the Spackle, through some germ, unleashing what they call 'the noise' on the men.


The noise means that their thoughts are in the open for everyone to hear and ...to see ( ????). I don't understand why could they see their thoughts. How can one see another one's thoughts? I understand hearing them,but seeing them...


Anyway,Viola's ship falls from the sky on this new planet and is found by the lead, Todd, who's never seen a girl before, ( this is what we're told) although he has memories of his mother ,so he's seen women before and know how they look like.


Once they find out about the girl, the men of his town track her down, and upon hearing a larger ship is coming with colonizers, they decide to k!ll her.


As Todd decides to help her, we find out that what he was brought up to believe was a lie ,and it wasn't the Specks who k!lled the women. Also, it wasn't just them there, there were other towns, with women.


I liked the acting, and the visual effects, but the movie didn't quite grip me.


SPOILER -- The men of Prentisstown k!lled the women due to the fact the women knew their darkest thoughts while they knew nothing about them,urged by the crazy pastor who believed them to have no soul due to the fact they could not see their thoughts.


The movie is streaming on Hulu,and is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, DirecTv, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !