
Year of release : 2020


Episode Length : from 26 min ep to 48 min ep in the 9th ep


Number of episodes : 9


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / miniseries


Cast : Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Evan Peters



To me, WandaVision is a play on words- Wanda's vision of reality, and the name of the couple she's in, Wanda and Vision.


The first episode starts with Wanda in this black and white sitcom ,married to Vision. It reminds me of Bewitched. As the show progresses, the black and white turns to color. It goes from the sitcoms of the '40's to the reality shows or Modern Family style filming of the 2000's. The house and hairstyles change,and so are the clothes and makeup. Also,there are no children.


Each and every episode has its own cool intro and a fun, fake commercial break in the middle.


As the series progresses we realize Wanda trapped all these people in WestView, mind controlling them into doing and saying what she wants,even giving them new names and personalities.

Members of SWORD are outside the city limits as no one can get into her reality,trying to figure out what happens and how they can help.


In the first episode is this minor incident with Vision's boss who starts asking on end, something along the lines of ''Why did you come here? Why?" to the point he chokes on the food. His wife is looking at Wanda as she says ''Stop it!'' with a fake scared smile.


In the second episode, she hears a voice on the old radio ''Wanda,who is doing this to you?'' and sees a man coming out of the sewer system,and she rewinds everything.


As the show progresses,this goes on,until it's obvious Wanda is the one doing this.


The acting was great,so were the visuals.


What I didn't like -- Wanda is being portrayed as a hero when she's not! She forced the people of that town into doing her bidding,to the point they said it hurt them mentally, trying to break out of her mind game. At one point, a woman is asking her to let her daughter out of her room! These are people with families and problems of their own, whose lives she took over, in her grief, making her seem selfish and careless of other people's needs or sorrows.


They also make Agnes an evil witch who wants Wanda's power,because she doesn't have enough!


I didn't see Agnes as the bad guy,as she is the one who is unlocking Wanda's mind,and we see what made her do this in the first place,the grief of losing her boyfriend,after losing her brother and her family as a kid. As a kid growing up in Sokovia - a made up Marvel universe country - she loved watching sitcoms,the sitcoms her father brought home in order for them to learn English. I loved this episode -- the 8th -- it was my favorite.


I have to admit,I didn't quite like the first three episodes as I found them boring. I never liked sitcoms with their fake laugh tracks, telling you when to laugh as if you don't know what's funny.


I didn't like the Monica Rambeau character, as she took Wanda's side all the time, making her the victim,when it wasn't the case. She even said in the last episode that the people of WestView ''will never know what you sacrificed for them''. What?! She f@cking tortured them, breaking their will,making them do what she wanted! She kept them trapped in her mind game! She completely disregarded the fact that these were real people with real lives and problems, she just high jacked them,forcing them to act in her make believe land.


In one of the episodes she gets pregnant by magic,as Vision is a robot! But she has human babies!Which by the way, grow in her belly every few minutes or hours! She gives birth the same day she gets pregnant!


Wanda wasn't the victim here,the people of WestView were, and director Tyler Hayward wasn't the evil character saying she needed to be killed!


She could have made all this possible in her head, instead of trapping innocent people with lives of their own inside her television series mind game, or just kept her own world in a bubble, creating her own characters instead of using real people,as we've seen, she has the power! She could create Vision out of nothing,the same with her kids! Twins, who by the way,don't look alike!


I didn't like the fact there were no consequences to her actions, she didn't pay for the damage done to all those people.


WandaVision is streaming on Disney Plus.


Rating : Could have been a contender !