
Year of release : 2008


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Chris Pratt


Directed by : Timur Bekmambetov



Wesley lives a boring life,he is bad at his job,his best friend has an affair with his girlfriend,and he takes a lot of pills for his anxiety attacks.


One night,as he is at the pharmacy to fill his prescription again,a beautiful woman who tells him she knew his father recruits him into the Fraternity,training him to kill the man who killed his father.

Or so we think.


He never asks himself why these trained assassins,whom Sloan,their leader,believes to be the best in their field,would send him after the best of them,who's dropping them like flies left and right.


The movie has great visuals,great music,great fighting scenes - my favorite is the one with the mice when Wesley shows them who's boss.


The acting was great,James McAvoy is one of the best actors ever.


The director directed two of my favorite Russian movies, Nightwatch and Daywatch,2 masterpieces.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !