
Language : English / Romanian


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Maika Monroe



A young woman moves with her husband to Bucharest,Romania,as he is offered a good job here. She spends most of her time alone,as he is gone all day long and most of the evening.


She starts suspecting the neighbor from the building in front of theirs is stalking her,as whenever she looks out the window he is standing by the window ,watching her,and she also feels followed by the man,whenever she is outside.


She calls the police but they don't believe her and neither does her husband,who speaks in a very demeaning way about her to his colleagues,at a party,towards the end of the movie.


At the same time,in the background,there's a storyline about a serial killer called the Spider who decapitates women.


The actors were all good,especially Maika Monroe. The English speaking actors who talked in Romanian,were actually really good at speaking it,they didn't destroy the language.


The movie was shot on set in Romania,and they actually chose beautiful settings.

The soundtrack was good,melancholic.


Rating : Worth a watch !