What happened to Monday ?

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 2h4min


Genre : Sci-Fi / Action / Thriller / Dystopia


Cast : Noomi Rapace, Willem Dafoe, Glenn Close



This is a dystopian movie about a society plagued with multiple births in a world of overpopulation.


The leaders pass a law only allowing families to have one child. 'The seven sisters', aka What happened to Monday ?, how the movie is known in some countries, are born in this society.

Their grandfather didn't have the heart to keep one  and take the other six to the cryogenic facility,where they are supposed to be kept until the overpopulation problem is solved.


The seven sisters were named by their grandfather after the days of the week, so they will all go out on their name day, as their mother, assuming her identity.


Monday doesn't come home on her assigned day, and the sisters start to worry.

As Tuesday goes to work on her assigned day, she is taken by the government people.


The sisters start worrying that someone knows their secret and is after them. Their colleague seems to know something about them,and they think it might be him who knows their secret and sold them out. But what if it isn't so,and their enemy is much closer to them than they think?


The acting was great, Noomi Rapace is amazing in this movie, she plays the seven sisters and not once does it look off. She has an amazing character range,and I just loved seeing her on the screen,going through the emotions.

The visual effects were good too.


But -SPOILER- there's a scene in which Wednesday has s3x with her sister's,Monday,'s boyfriend. Apart from the fact that this is effed up, her having s3x with her sister's man, Wednesday is a virgo. The man who, I assume, had s3x many times with Monday, can't tell this isn't the same woman. Even inside her, he can't tell the difference! Really? A virgin feels the same way inside as a woman he had s3x with I'm guessing, many times? Among many other things I'm not gonna bring up here,but you get the point. That's all.


Viewer discretion is advised as the movie contains nudity.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !