What lies below

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Horror /Mystery


Cast : Mena Suvari ,Ema Horvath



I don’t know what this movie was about. It was written and directed by the same person.

We don’t get any clues as to what this person is,if it’s an alien or some ancient creature(he is obsessed with sea creatures). The lead doesn’t do any research regarding what’s going on.


As she comes back from camp,a teenager meets her mother’s boyfriend,a hot young man. We see her soon after,as she seems to get the hots for him too(she watches him because she seems attracted to him,at night in bed,she touches the place he touched trying to masturbate;she puts on a dress after she meets him.. ),and seems to like him as a person and befriends him.

Soon,things start to change. As they are out on a boat ride,she starts bleeding(she gets her period) and he covers her with his coat. To her that is grabbing like Donald Trump.


The man was a bit awkward,as he kept on doing weird things. For example,the weirdest was licking the blood that came out of her privates as she was menstruating. Wtf?!


We don’t get any info on what he is,as we soon see that there’s more of him. We don’t know if they’re aliens or what,if they chose that look because they realize women/girls found it attractive and kept it,or if that was a look they got and couldn’t change. We don’t really know what they do to the women/girls as they put them in pods filled with water,maybe they try to grow their species into them..


The mother had a weird repeated stress disorder or whatever it was,she wanted people to scratch her arm.

The mother doesn’t believe her daughter when she tells her that something is wrong with her man,she sides with him,pushing her away.


The movie started well but then they effed it up.


Rating : The Horror , The Horror !