What to expect when you're expecting

Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Elizabeth Banks, Dennis Quaid, Brooklyn Decker, Anna Kendrick, Chris Rock, Rodrigo Santoro, Chace Crawford, Rebel Wilson, Joe Manganiello



The movie is based on the book by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel,first published in 1984!


Wendy and her husband have been trying to have a kid for two years,while her husband's father expects twins with his young hot wife, Jules got pregnant while on a show with her co-star, Holly and her husband want to adopt as she can't have babies, Rosie ends up pregnant after a one night stand with a high school crush..


Although Wendy ( who has a baby store and even wrote books for children) wanted a child so much,she has a very tough pregnancy.


Jules,a personal trainer, at first has a smooth pregnancy,until she pushed herself too hard one day working out with a former contestant.


Holly,a freelancer photographer, stages the house for the social worker who comes to give them the Go for adoption,as she wants a child from Ethiopia. Her husband is not sure he wants a child,but goes along. She enlists him in a daddy group,where fathers spend time with their kids ( very funny men who have a crush on Joe Manganiello's character)


Rosie owns a food truck with a friend,and ends up miscarrying.


Skyler,the hot young wife of the car racer,has a very smooth pregnancy,and tries to be a mother figure for Wendy's husband too,as she takes her role as a step mother seriously.


The movie was funny,I laughed with tears at a few scenes,the actors are great.


Rating : Worth a watch !