Why women kill

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 50 min episodes


Genre : Drama / Comedy / Mini Series



Season 2



So,this season takes place in 1949,and is about a desperate housewife Alma ( a plus size, plain woman),who's passion is gardening,trying to get into the exclusive gardening club, Elysian Park .


In the meantime,she discovers as she's putting together a dress ( for the said club meeting),that her husband is a serial killer.

Her daughter ( also plus size ) has an affair with an actor ( a handsome man) who's having an affair with Rita,the desperate wife( who reminds me of Eva Longoria in Desperate Housewives) of a rich old man,whom she married for his money 15 years prior,and now hates desperately as she considers she kept her end of the deal,to marry him,while he didn't keep his,to die and leave her the fortune,and wants him dead.


So,the serial killer husband, is a vet who can't stand to see animals suffer. The same thing goes for humans,so whenever he hears someone has some disease that they slowly and painfully die of or are soon to be dying of,he gives them the same thing he uses when he puts the animals down. To him is helping them,saving them from suffering,and giving them a graceful death.


While he fights with the wife who found out about it ,their nosy neighbor hears them,and goes as far as to climb their wall to hear their conversation. She falls into the pair of scissors she herself placed into the ground. Afraid she won't get the spot she wants in the gardening club,as the scandal will ruin their lives,she convinces her husband to bury her in the front garden under the flowers.


Now, Alma grows more and more unlikeable with each episode,as episode 4 finds her taking the dead neighbor's things to make her house look better for the always unimpressed garden club ladies.


Episode 4 was directed by Eva Longoria, and I have to say,I liked her directing.


In episode 5 Rita becomes even more annoying,getting her payback on Alma for her daughter having an affair with her beau. I loathe her,I hope they torture her to death,so I can have a satisfying ending to this season,as this woman Rita, is unbearable. She's an awful, despicable person for no reason. She's the one doing the most atrocious things to people,and yet she thinks she's the one wronged!


Episode 6 has some good directing too, I liked how they went from one scene to the other. Also,this is when Alma decides to get back at Rita for ruining her garden,talking trash at her and embarrassing her in front of the whole restaurant and neighbors having the garden club membership assigned.


The characters of the movie,all seem to me interested in the mundane,and are unlikeable. Even the leads,all they care about is superficial,trivial things. The plus size women, although not attractive,they only like hot men,and are complaining that they are not liked by the hot men. The same way they want the hot ones they like to like them for who they are,no matter how they look, that's how the hot ones want to be able to be with the ones they like,without being judged for being shallow for liking someone like them,attractive and thin!


Whenever I see Lana Parilla I get Evil Queen vibes because to me it feels like she's playing the same character from "Once upon a time".


I felt the first season was better,as it had the house through the ages and three couples living in it. It showed the house changing with the new owners,with the style of the age they lived in,with their maybe not so different life experiences. This one feels like a revamped Desperate Housewives.


I like the colors which pop,the age they set the movie in,some of the clothes..the houses and the interior design.


The actors are all great, very natural. Lana Parilla indeed, she plays the same revengeful Evil Queen character.


Rating : Worth a watch !