Wonder Woman 1984

Release date : 2020


Run time : 2h30min


Genre : Action / Fantasy


Starring : Gal Gadot, Pedro Pascal, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig



Wonder Woman is a fictional superheroine who first appeared in All Star Comics  no 8,in December 1841! Wonder Woman is a founding member of the Justice League. Wonder Woman knew a few screen embodiments in animated series(does it count?) and in the 1975 through 1979 tv series Wonder Woman. Among her significant others in the comics are Batman and Superman!

The movie takes place in 1984,hence the title,and centers around a stone which can grant people’s wishes. Diana makes a wish upon it without realizing it,perhaps,and the man she loved for 40 years comes back to her.



What I didn’t get and like was,why did he come back in somebody else’s body?! He could have just materialized in his own. I don’t think it’s fair to the one who’s body he’s in to be used like that. The entire time he was with Diana he could have destroyed that man’s life,his career,his love life,etc..and neither of them think of it.I honestly think they could have just brought him back on his own,not hijacking someone else’s body.

I also didn’t quite get how was he able to fly the plane,was it an old plane,because if it was a new one I don’t know if he had the skills.

Also,I didn’t know one could call a different country from a random payphone. It also seemed they didn’t need much time to travel from Egypt to the USA..

I also don’t understand why would anyone want to become an animal..also,the son of Pedro Pascal(who's Chilean)  was Asian…


The action scenes were good,there are, I think, only three of them,at the beginning,in the mall,and then after an hour and 20 minutes.

I didn’t quite get the very first scene of the movie and its purpose in the movie,although I enjoyed it.


The acting was good,Pedro Pascal was the best. Unlike what other people said,the movie didn’t bore me,I actually enjoyed it. I loved Gal Gadot’s outfits,her hairstyle..even Kristen Wiig’s.


You can watch Wonder Woman 1984 on HBO Max, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, iTunes Store, Vudu, Google Play, Microsoft Store.


Rating : Could have been a contender ! ,because of the things I mentioned and didn't make sense to me.