Wrath of man

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h59min


Genre : Thriller / Action



The movie is based on 2004 Cash Truck French movie Le Convoyeur.


Directed by Guy Ritchie,the movie stars Jason Statham as the lead,Scott Eastwood as the bad guy,and Josh Hartnett,who's just there to be there,playing a random character.


The new,mysterious security guard for a cash truck,surprises his colleagues when he kills with incredible precision the robbers / criminals,during a heist.


Due to the fact he doesn't like to talk about himself,his colleagues start to wonder if he's not somehow a fox in the hen house.

The surprise comes after the plot unravels,and we find out he was the boss of a gang,who's son was killed by the robbers during a heist,as he (H,the lead) was doing recon for a heist of their own!

Now,H (how he was nicknamed by his superior),entered this firm with the sole goal of finding his son's killer.

Although Josh Hartnett was great in this movie,I don't know why was he in it,he played a very small role,which could have been given to anyone!


The acting was good,everybody was good at playing their part. I though Scott Eastwood over acted the bad guy.

The movie keeps us in suspense,as the lead looks for the killer,and has a few surprises along the way,as I didn't think the fox in the hen house was who was revealed to be.


I liked the soundtrack, and the intro credit scene,it reminded me of James Bond.


The movie is out on DVD and Blu Ray,and streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Instant Video, Apple TV, Epix Now, Fandango Now, Google Play, Netflix, Redbox, Verizon for the US ,Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !