You belong to me - originally - Every breath you take

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Michelle Monaghan, Casey Affleck, Sam Claflin



This movie was ridiculous. It started out well but it fell apart pretty quickly.


A psychiatrist has his life turned upside down after one of his patients commits suicide. Allegedly,because she had a crazy dangerous boyfriend,and the audience understands what happened.


James Flagg,the woman's brother,a writer,enters the psychiatrist's life and he starts an affair with his wife and his daughter.


After the one hour marker I just found everything funny. The fight at the end was ridiculous,it made me laugh with tears.


The actors were all good,it wasn't them,it was the ridiculous script which made their characters do stupid and ridiculous things,like for example : SPOILERS this man who seems to be in his 30's has a weird relationship with the daughter who might be 17. They plan to run away together,sort of,because it was her idea but he then leaves her hanging. We don't know for how long,she just calls and calls him like a maniac,and he doesn't answer. After what it seemed like a week ( time in which he tried to kill her mother ( well,step mom,but who cares at this point ; and he was put in the mental institution)), he comes to her house to run away together. She's all happy until,wait for it,he changes his voice and all of a sudden she's afraid of him! Who wrote this sh!t? I mean script.

I can't believe this family didn't talk to each other,not even after he tried to kill the mother in a car crash! By the way,that whole scene was ridiculous!


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Instant Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Vudu.


Rating : The Horror,The HORROR !