12 monkeys

Year of release : 1995


Run time : 2h10min


Genre : Sci Fi / Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Madeleine Stowe



The movie is inspired by the 1962 French short movie La Jetée.


James Cole is a convict from the future who is doing volunteer work without having volunteered. The men are just picked and have to comply to the whims of the rulers.


He is chosen by the team of scientists to go back to 1996 Philadelphia, when a virus outbreak killed 5 billion people in half a year. Ever since,the year now is 2035, people live underground,as the surface belongs to the animals.

He has to gather evidence and find the original virus which they believe was released by a terrorist organization called "12 monkeys",and he will be pardoned.


Unluckily, he is sent to 1990 Baltimore,and is arrested and put in the mental institution,where he is heavily dosed,as he is believed to be crazy.

A crazy patient gets attached to him, and actually helps him to almost escape.


James tries to gain the trust of his psychiatrist, in order to help him find the ones who spread the virus.


The movie opens and closes with what is called in literature, equilibrium and symmetry. The movie opens with a dream Cole has ever since he was a kid, when he saw this blonde woman running towards a man who gets shot. Throughout the movie he keeps on dreaming about it, and her face looks more and more like the psychiatrist's face.

The twist at the end is priceless.


The actors are all good, Brad Pitt is the best,as he plays the crazy son of a virologist believed to have spread the virus, as the organization posted all around the city the words " we did it".


The visual effects were good, and so was the soundtrack. Although made in 1995 the movie still looks brand new.


The movie is streaming on Tubi Tv, Starz Roku Premium Channel, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !