3000 years of longing

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Drama / Fantasy


Cast : Tilda Swinton, Idris Elba



The movie is based on the 1994 novel, The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye,by A.S.Byatt.


Alithea is a lonely scholar,narrator, who,on a trip to Istanbul, starts seeing things. After buying a glass bottle,and trying to clean it, she releases a djinn,who offers to grant her 3 wishes.


Alithea is suspicious,first of all,because as a child,she used to have an imaginary friend, then,because djinns are known to be tricksters,and she doesn't trust his intentions.


So,the djinn starts telling her his life story,how he was in love with the queen of Sheeba,who she herself was a djinn( who had really hairy legs ( it looked like the hair one grows on their head,or a pair of hairy boots),a common thing among the djinn,apparently ),who left him for king Solomon,who trapped him in the bottle for thousands of years ,until he was found and released by another woman.


I personally was excited to watch this movie,but it was a huge let down,as it bored the hell out of me!


The movie is a compilation of stories with nothing to do with the plot,random people who interact more or less with the djinn,which bored me,and made me check my watch continuously .


The actors were fine,when it came to acting, but not in terms of looks.


The visuals were good,the movie is full of rich colors.


The movie is labeled a romance but I didn't see it as such,because there's nothing romantic about it. The leading actors look bored, tired and sad while their characters are supposed to be together, and happy. They pretty much have the same face for every emotion,which is sad face.


Viewer discretion is advised,as the movie contains nudity.


The movie is for rent on Amazon, Apple, Google, DirecTv, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube, and is out in cinemas (including the ones in Romania).


Rating : Could have been a contender! ,for where it could have gone, The HORROR! for where it actually went!