Year of release : 1998


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Drama / Musical


Cast : Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Myke Myers



Shane, a 19 year old, who lives in New Jersey with his father and two younger sisters,moves to New York after he finds a job as a bartender at Studio 54. He befriends a couple who works there who takes him in.

Living with them,there's tension between him and the wife as they really seem to be into one another.


The movie is quite depressing, as it is about the shallow, hollow and empty lives of celebrities who chase fame and money and who would do anything for them.


Shane sleeps around with women and men who can get him famous. He gets a picture in a magazine. He gets around so much,he even gets a s*xually transmitted disease. That doesn't stop him from finally sleeping with his friend's wife ,and he even hits on him.


The husband is close to giving into the boss' cravings.


He also , like everybody at the club,is taking drugs and is high all the time,sometimes he's on more than one drug at the same time. The boss is always high out of his minds and drunk.


The movie is about human degradation and soul filth,as the characters descend into this world of drugs and s8x ( from the moment he gets there,Shane sees many people having s*x around the club in the open for everyone to see)


The end of the movie has a collage of the celebrities who frequented Studio 54,such as Farrah Fawcett,Dustin Hoffman,Grace Jones.


The movie is streaming on Paramount Plus, Apple iTunes,and is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The horror, The HORROR !