Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Adventure / Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Adam Driver



65 million years ago, a space craft from another,distant civilization,crash landed on earth,after the space ship was hit by meteorites.

Being the lone survivor,pilot Mills,wants to kill himself,but changes his mind. He took the job,which kept him away from his family for 2 years, to save his daughter who was sick.


After,he finds a 9 year old girl who doesn't speak his language,in the debris of the spaceship,and together try to get to the ship which fell on top of a mountain. They have to fight for survival as they are hunted by dinosaurs,and,they crash landed on earth on the day before the meteor strike killed the dinosaurs.


Although only one hour and a half long,the movie felt longer. The only thing saving it was Adam Driver who gave an incredible performance. He really is one of the best actors,you can read his emotions on his face,he was such a joy to watch!


The movie was predictable,everything hinted at us,I was like,this was gonna happen,and it did,this was gonna happen,and it did(from the planet where they crash landed,as I figured it was earth due to the poster with the dinosaurs-I didn't watch a trailer nor read anything about it. Then saw the comet in the sky,and I was like,it's the comet which renders the dinosaurs extinct).


I never liked movies about dinosaurs,I don't know what is it,they never grab me,so this  one did the same,the dinosaurs just annoyed me. Although,ironically,I really wanted to watch this movie!

Also,the kid keeps on saving the pilot,instead of being the other way around.


The visual effects at times looked computer made.


The distant planet looked like earth with visual effects added.


The movie is out in cinemas ,and is for rent / sale on Apple Tv, Microsoft Store, Vudu.


Rating : Could have been a contender! because I'm being generous(because I liked Adam Driver's acting).