A Christmas kiss

Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h29min


Genre : Romance


Cast : Laura Breckenridge, Brendan Fehr, Elisabeth Rohm



Wendy,an interior designer,who thinks her way to the top is working for this horrible woman,kisses a complete stranger one night in the elevator,as they thought the elevator would crash.


Soon enough,she discovers that the stranger is her boss' long distance boyfriend,who is in town. For some unknown reason,the man doesn't recognize her. She did wear heavy makeup around her eyes,but you could still recognize her.


Adam,by his name,asks his interior designer girlfriend to decorate his home for Christmas.


Wendy,after a talk with Adam,about his favorite books,one of them being "A Christmas carol" by Dickens,creates these beautiful designs based on the book,with 3 Christmas trees,representing Past,Present and Future. Her boss loathes her idea calling it "repellent ".

Adam doesn't like his girlfriend's idea,so the woman,Priscilla,steals Wendy's idea,calling it her own. Adam loves this idea.

After Adam leaves,Priscilla acts as if Wendy's idea was her own,and when Wendy calls her on it,she threatens her with never working again,after which she sends her to put her ideas into practice.


After Priscilla is hit by a light pole by accident,due to the fact she was ordering a woman who couldn't lift it,around,she decides to disappear as her nose is broken. She leaves Wendy in charge,so not only she didn't have an idea for a Christmas party but she's not gonna work on it either.


Priscilla was a loathsome person,she was making me angry with anything she was doing,or coming out of her mouth. She was very manipulative,so she would always get her way.


I liked the movie,it had good acting. I think the fact it had such a witch for a boss made it more fun and entertaining.


Rating : Worth a watch!