A clean kill

Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery / Made for television


Cast : Perry King



'A clean kill' also known as 'Her married lover' opens with the lead driving frantically on the streets of LA. She recalls chasing a woman,apparently trying to stop her from having an accident. She stops at the police station,and tells them her lover who is married tried to kill his wife in a car accident.


Talking to the detective,she tells him she started an affair with a married writer,who's writing class she took.

She tells him about how she met the writer for the first time during a robbery at a store,while he held her close,felt her up and chocked her(apparently she likes it).

She then recognizes his voice on the radio,and learns about his classes. She goes to his classes,pops up on him in the parking lot,confronting him about what happened during the robbery,while he denies everything,and acts like he doesn't know her.


When the police confront the writer,at a book store,he tells them he barely knows the woman who says is his mistress,and seems to be very concerned with his wife's well being.


In the detective's office, Katie with a K, continues her story,and tells him she cuts film for a living (I honestly thought there was something more to the film cutting,as she kept on cutting film with kids in it.I thought it was her childhood) .

Although the writer pretends he doesn't know her when around others, he pops up on her when she's alone,and starts the same weird thing with the gloved hands and the choking (I told you she likes this!)


She tells her friend about her affair with the married writer (whom,by the way,she pursued) ,but this woman never meets him.


The writer tells the police he doesn't know the woman outside his classes,but she insists they were together,and gives the police information only someone who knows him would,like the fact his wife can't have kids.


We see her from time to time seeing them on the street,and at one point she even confronts the wife! She might be stalking them for all we know!


The movie had a good idea,I think it could have been executed better,with better acting,music,and writing! At the beginning, there's this slow music, with scenes of the lead in slow motion,looking worried,while showing us the not that long ago past,in normal speed,with more upbeat music! It felt off,it lost me from the get go,and most of the time I laughed,although it's not a comedy!


All I can say about the ending is,now the writer who didn't write in 5 years, can finally write a book about what happened to him.


The acting was so and so. At the beginning,the lead actress is hilariously bad,and doesn't improve much.


The soundtrack was hilariously bad,as it didn't match anything on the screen. It felt they took a random soundtrack or music,and just plastered it on the scenes of this movie!


You can watch the full movie for free,here :



Rating : Could have been a contender !