A mermaid in Paris

Language : French


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Fantasy / Musical / Romance



Gaspard fights with his father as the latter wants to sell the ship-restaurant which to him has a life of its own. At the same time,men hear this mesmerizing tune,and they go into the water and die.

One night,on his way home, Gaspard finds a woman unconscious by the river shore and decides to take her to the hospital. Problem is,he doesn't have a car,and nobody wants to help. A man with a tuk tuk gives it to him,and he rides to the hospital.


This is where we are introduced to new characters. A very much in love couple,both doctors, who might be expecting a baby. As the woman walks back into the hospital,the man hears the mermaid's song and he dies of a heart attack. His partner is dead set on finding what caused it.


Since the hospital check-in refuses to help, Gaspard takes the mermaid to his home. He seems to be immune to her charms. But only for a while.


He has this nosy neighbor who keeps on spying on him,knows his whole life story(creepy),and goes into his place when he's not home to see what he's been up to. She finds the mermaid and tells her his and his family's story. They bond,and the mermaid decides to have one of her cigarettes after she leaves. And burns the house down.


The mermaid keeps on asking Gaspard to take her back to the water,because if not back in two sunrises she dies. Problem is, Gaspard seems to fall for her as we see him having health problems,and he still doesn't want to let her go. He keeps on promising he will,but he never does.


The doctor lady all this time is tracking them down,as she found her blue blood on the pavement in front of the hospital.


The movie had good acting,it was very colorful, I loved the world they created,the interior design,but I hated the music,the songs they composed,and Gaspard's failure to keep his promises,keep on delaying taking her back,always being,later,let me show this first...


What I liked about the movie was the short lived love story between the doctors,they had such a sweet romance,they were so happy to become parents and then he was bewitched by the mermaid and died. She then saw him everywhere,she even saw him at the end in the lead..it was very bittersweet and sad.


Rating : Worth a watch !