A perfect day

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Drama / Tv Movie / Made for Television


Cast : Rob Lowe, Christopher Lloyd



The movie is based on the 2003 novel of the same name written by Richard Paul Evans.


Rob is a family man who thinks he's gonna get a promotion around Christmas time. Just that, when he gets at the office, his boss and friend, instead of promoting him, fires him,telling him not to take it personal!


Not knowing what to do, he writes a book within a month about his wife's perfect day with her father,after which he told her he had cancer and was about to die.


I personally hated the movie, I couldn't even finish it.I watched only an hour with interruptions.

The whole time I kept on thinking why would anyone think this was a worthy movie to make, a good story to tell. I also wondered if the book was the same, because to me that's not anything worth to write about.


Nothing ever happens, the whole story happens inside -the house ,the "hotel room". It's just this guy becoming more and more of a douche to everyone around him,including people who helped him get to where he was.

The movie was boring and slow,and so ridiculous.

What goes around comes around, and when he signs autographs, the guy who fired him slash his backstabbing friend, asks him to give him an interview,as his company is dying,so firing him didn't do much good. I don't know why would anyone confess,only in movies! And Rob refuses to help. Honestly,I would have reacted the same way. But then, his wife finds out from his agent he has plans to get a "better" agent,without even telling his present agent,to which he confesses to be true,telling the agent not to take it personal.


That was about as much as I could take of this movie and I quit.


The acting was so an so, at times looks good, other times not so good. Everything seems and looks fake most of the time, just like in most of the tv movies at the time.


The visual effects weren't that good either.


I hated the soundtrack.


If you're still interested,you can watch the movie here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_UybWO0bfg&ab_channel=LoveLove


Rating : The Horror,The HORROR!