A room with a view

Year of release : 1985


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Drama / Romance


Cast : Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Julian Sands, Judi Dench, Daniel Day-Lewis



The movie is based on the 1908 novel by E.M. Forster.


In 1907, Lucy,and her cousin and chaperone, Charlotte, stay at a pensione in Florence, Italy. Disappointed the rooms don't have a view,Charlotte keeps on talking about it at dinner.

There,they meet a father and son,who offer them their rooms which have views,stating women care for views,not men.


While visiting Piazza della Signoria, Lucy witnesses a man being stabbed and k!lled. She faints,and George, the son of the man who offered them their rooms, was luckily behind her, and catches  her,taking her to shade. Embarrassed, Lucy tries to leave,but he asks her to wait,as she is not feeling well.


On another day they go picnicking in the country side, and letting Charlotte talk to a writer, she meets George again, who kisses her. Charlotte sees them and takes her away.


Back in England, Lucy accepts Cecile's marriage proposal. Cecile is a snob,who thinks Lucy inferior to him. Then why marry her?!

Soon, George and his father move in the same town.


I personally found the movie extremely boring. Nothing ever happens! I almost fell asleep twice!

The whole time I watched it, I was thinking this movie is just like the '50 shades' without the s3x,as it's just as boring, but only that movie has a bad reputation,while movies like this one,although boring,and about nothing, are considered masterpieces!


I also didn't feel any love and attraction between the characters. When they spoke of love it was news to me,for I didn't see any glances, any gestures or body language which would suggest they love each other!


One thing I liked was the costumes, especially the women's blouses, like Helena Bonham Carter's.


The movie is labeled a thriller on google, but I assure you,there's nothing thrilling about it. Nothing ever happens,it's dull!


The acting was fine. Daniel Day-Lewis was the best.


What you see in the movie posters happens at the end of the movie.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :



Rating : Could have been a contender!