After earth

Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action


Cast : Will Smith, Jaden Smith



The story of this movie is by Will Smith,the screenplay is by M.Night Shyamalan.directed by M.Night Shyamalan.


The action takes place thousands of years in the future,a 1000 years after the earth was evacuated,as it could not sustain life,and everything on it evolved to kill humans.

Nova Prime is the humans' new home. But this planet had aliens who released the Ursa,creatures created to kill humans,blind, but which smelled fear.


Cypher,played by Will Smith,is an emotionless soldier who learnt in order to 'ghost' (become invisible to the creatures) he mustn't show any fear .His son wants to be a ranger but fails the exam.


Cypher didn't see his family in a very long time as he's always away fighting. Once back, he doesn't know how to talk to his son and how to be a father. On his last mission he decides to take his son with him. Something goes wrong,and they end up on a quarantined level 1 planet - earth.



- so people invaded the aliens' planet and they were the good guys fighting them?


The earth is supposed to be unable to sustain human life because most of it freezes at night,and has big creatures which are predators.

The oxygen levels are low so people have to take these vials called oxygen filtration inhalers every 20 to 24 hours to be able to breathe.


This movie made no sense :- earth wasn't fit for human life,but had animals and birds,like eagles or condors,and wild boars. It also had vegetation from trees to plants and water - rivers and waterfalls which are known to create oxygen! I already mentioned the animals.

Also,the freezing part,all of a sudden at night,makes no sense! If it freezes every night,there should be barren land,without vegetation,and most of all without freaking monkeys! Monkeys which live in tropical rainforests!


Man,talk to the hand!


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Could have been a contender ! ,because the movie had a good premise.