
Year of release : 1986


Run time : 2h28min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Horror


Cast : Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen


Directed by : James Cameron



57 years have passed since the events of Alien, as Ripley has been drifting through space when a deep salvage team finds her ship. They wake her up and tell her her daughter died two years before at age 66.


The company is investigating Ripley as she destroyed their ship. She is telling them about the alien creature,but they tell her they found no evidence of such a creature on her ship or on the planet.


The committee is suspending her license indefinitely,and is put on probation for 6 months of psychiatric evaluation.


Here comes the kicker : these people sent families on this exact same planet to terraform and colonize !


Ripley suffers from PTSD,and has horrifying nightmares about the creature.


As the company loses contact with the 60-70 families sent to terraform the LV4 26 planet, they offer her a deal : go with the colonial marines to the said planet as an adviser,and they get her reinstated as a flight officer.

Ripley refuses at first,but then agrees.

She fits in with the marines,while their lieutenant doesn't seem to know what he's doing. She doesn't want to work with an android,due to what Ash,the member of her team did,but she tolerates him.


They descend upon the planet,and find the base deserted,while everything is damaged,having holes in the ceilings and on the metal ground which go all the way down.


They find a survivor,a girl who is terrified. She tells them the creatures come at night.


The first movie was called Alien because there was only one alien,this is called Aliens because there are many. And smart. And we get to see their queen.


The visual effects are amazing for 1986! The soundtrack is nice,has the same sound effects as the original and the prequel,Coven.

Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !