Amelia 2.0

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Sci Fi / Romance



Amelia seems to be happily married ( according to her husband,as we don't know the character much),and is missing her parents who are dead, thinking about what death is.


One day,probably the next, as her husband is dealing with a perpetrator, and she is at school,teaching(more like,sitting at her desk),she seems to be having a headache,and while at home,washing dishes ( while fully clothed with her coat on) a nose bleed.


Her husband comes home at night,and finds her on the floor in a puddle of blood.


Now,Amelia is lying on the hospital bed,lethargic,blinking.


A company which wants to put people's minds in their robots,reaches out to the husband,and he agrees to disconnect her from the machines,and have her brain mapped, all that information being then put into a robot.


The movie takes place in a futuristic world,but the visual effects are bad.


The movie is bad,starting with the acting ( the only good actor being Debra Wilson - one of my favorites-),continuing with the way it was shot (shaky camera syndrome),the scenes with bad dialogue,which just seems forced, and ending with the plot holes.


The movie had a good idea,it was somewhat new, but it was poorly executed. Also,this was supposed to be a very much in love couple,but I couldn't feel the love between them,they looked exactly like actors rehearsing for a play.


The movie felt as if made by amateurs, although I recognized a few of the actors playing.


The plot is bad,let me tell you why: SPOILERS


-this disease happens in the brain,so how could they map her brain and take her out of it?


-how can an android breathe? They said she was! But no heartbeat! Genius!


-now they say the android has a soul! ffs!


-the android bleeds! Also,shot in the head,it can be brought back!


- Amelia has the Locked In Syndrome , but that disease is not as portrayed in the movie. The person afflicted is actually aware,unlike what it says in the movie, but unable to move.


NOT IN THE MOVIE BUT WHAT THIS DISEASE ACTUALLY IS - the Locked In Syndrome has symptoms like sleep paralysis,they can communicate through codes like eye movement,blink if they are conscious and aware.

It comes from poisoning, brainstem stroke, medication overdose, traumatic brain injury,lesion of the brain stem.

The writer of the movie couldn't even come with a good story of how she ended up this way! If they wanted her to be a good character - so ,no drugs- ,they could have come up with a home invasion and her being hit in the head,or being poisoned in some way.Or,they could have created a history of sleep paralysis!

They were so busy trying to get to the android part,so,the action per se, that they forgot that first they have to hook their viewers with exposition and plot which sets off the action.


So,this is what Snow White had! Remember, she ate a poisoned apple!


This disease has people breathing but looking as if they don't, they seem dead.


I don't know how can a 26 year old woman have this disease, considering she wasn't poisoned and she didn't take drugs!


-while in the Locked In Syndrome,her eyes are opened,and she's blinking, so she should be aware.


-they portray republicans as God freaks . They are Bible thumpers who reject their so-called science.


-after they pulled the switch on Amelia,they took her brain out,and mapped it. From my understanding of it, the only way to map a brain is while the person is alive,with lots of wiring like a helmet placed on the head, connected to computers, as the brain itself is like a major computer with electric charges .


Just because you map someone's brain,if that is possible,so far,only in movies, and put its REPLICA in a robot looking like the person,doesn't make it that person! The person is DEAD ,that is an ANDROID now. Maybe they retain the person's ideas, and memories,it's still NOT THEM! It's just the replica of their brain,not even their real brain,in an android!


They keep on saying they'll live on,when in fact they are dead and buried!


-while the android looks just like Amelia,her husband can't distinguish those two things ,thinking this android is his real wife, and has a b!tch fit when the android is on Pause or Sleep Mode,when alone!


-the doctor and her company can create robots, but she can't fix her legs ( she's in a wheelchair!),while she's talking about saving people with their robotic hearts and hips! So they can create robotic hearts and hips but not a pair of legs! Ok!


Things like "the hell with God" and " their God" are not impressive,just makes the character unlikeable to me.


The full movie is available for free here :


Rating : The horror ,The HORROR!