American Horror Story


Run time : 42 min


Genre : Horror / Tv Series / Mini Series



Season 1 Haunted Mansion



Year of release : 2011


Number of episodes : 12


Cast : Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Taissa Farmiga



A family of three moves into a beautiful mansion selling at a low price. Moving in, strange things start happening, as the house is haunted by its previous owners and whoever else died on its premises.


The actors were all great,Jessica Lange and Evan Peters stand out from the amazing cast. I loved the character Jessica Lange built, her mannerisms,the mimic..


The house was beautiful with Tiffany stained glass sconces.





Season 2 Asylum



Year of release : 2012


Number of episodes : 13


Cast : Zachary Quinto, Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson



The season revolved around a haunted asylum, Jessica Lange plays the wicked sister Jude.

Lily Rabe was amazing as the innocent second in command to sister Jude,turned demon possessed. She gave a chilling,great performance.


Evan Peters comes back as a man who is accused of murdering his wife, when in fact aliens were involved. His character is also considered being the serial killer.


Sarah Paulson comes back as Lana Winters, Lana Banana,a lesbian reporter who ends up in the asylum trying to get a story.


Zachary Quinto comes back as doctor Oliver Thredson who is the serial killer of the season,who imprisons reporter Lana.


I personally hated this season.




Season 3 Coven



Year of release : 2013


Number of episodes : 13


Cast : Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Emma Roberts



This season deals with witches. I love witches. These witches have innate powers, from telekinesis to bringing people back to life. Each coven has a supreme, the one who rules over every witch and takes care of them.


This coven's supreme is Jessica Lange and her character was a selfish Supreme who only cared about herself,killing her own mother to accomplish her dream of becoming the next Supreme,and never caring for her own daughter.


Now she's slowly dying,and looking for aging treatments,as the new Supreme is rising,getting her power from the old one,the order of things.

The newcomer kills the old one,the power being transferred from one to the other. She even kills a few witches she believes to be the next Supreme to ensure her living.


All the characters are shades of grey, there is no one to truly like, only two of them are good. Some are vial.


My favorite characters were Cordelia, Myrtle and Misty, they were the only true good ones ,the others were either downright evil or shades of grey. I couldn't stand Madison,she was the Hollywood spoiled b!tch who was just a mean b!tch to everyone. I enjoyed watching her die. After she comes back from the dead she's even more evil,to the point I applauded her death scene!


The actors were all great. Jessica Lange and Evan Peters again,amazing.


The house was beautiful, the furniture.


What I didn't like about this season was the fact dead didn't stay dead: the racist Delphine was alive and well after 180 years, and couldn't die.

Madame Laveau, a very powerful Voodoo witch who sold her soul to the devil,was immortal.

Zoe meets this guy, Kyle,at a frat party for a few hours and resurrects him with Madison,as she is in love with him.

Madison is killed by the Supreme but is being brought back!

Myrtle gets burnt at the stake but is brought back! And so on!


AHS is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, DirecTv, Hulu, and is for rent ( only the 1st season) or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu.


Rating : Coulda woulda shoulda!