
Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Mystery /Thriller / Action


Cast : Joe Manganiello,Zolee Griggs,Skylan Brooks,Amy Seimetz



A homeless man who tells his life story for a drink to strangers,believes he is from another dimension.


Hamster wants to be a reporter so he interviews the homeless man,believing in him,paying him in beer.


His sister is a drug dealer trying to make enough money to send him to college although he dropped out of school.

I liked his sister’s identity,Indigo,she loved everything dark blue:her hair was blue,her blankets,her clothes,even the cakes she was baking!


I loved how they crossed from the cartoon world into the real world.

In the beginning,due to the things happening,and then when the action starts,due to the fact the homeless takes drugs,I thought his story might be false but it wasn’t.


There’s a twist,which to be honest due to the memories scenes,I saw it coming,and the archenemy is someone close to the homeless man.


I loved how the Cleo,the main villain, acted.She was amazing.


Rating : It's so money!