
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2017


Run time : 2h12min


Genre : Sci-Fi / Romance


Cast : Aleksandr Petrov



The Russian forces discover an alien space ship hoovering earth and start fire. The alien ship falls on earth and the Russians are on lockdown for over a week.


The story centers around a teenage girl,her friends and the alien who saves her from falling off the building.


What I liked - the special effects, the acting seemed good(as I watched a dubbed version),especially coming from Aleksandr Petrov(who became one of my favorites after seeing him in this movie) and the actor who played the alien,he was funny.

The soundtrack was beautiful, and some of the songs chosen for the movie.

The movie was as good as the Hollywood movies in that regard.

What I didn’t like - the fact that they took the girl out of a love story and put her in another. The boy loved her(he said it to his friends and to her), called her his girlfriend, she loved him too,but she left him for no reason,and started dating the alien?!

The alien looked twice her age,which I found gross. But hey,they are immortal,so I guess they thought this equals Twilight - I hated that one too,for the same reason,and many others.


I hated the fact they turned the ex boyfriend into a villain, there was no other villain so he filled that spot. I noticed they keep on doing this in Russian movies,the ex or the guy who liked the girl but didn't get her, automatically becomes the villain,because the story needs one.

For an hour and a half of the movie nothing the ex boyfriend did, made him a villain : he saved her from falling off the building,when their flat was destroyed by the alien ship shot down by the Russian forces(the alien saves her from falling too,and she falls in love with him because he saved her!What?!So did her boyfriend!Make it make sense,movie!),and takes her to the hospital(we don't know how they managed to escape that building,that was something I would have loved to see!),when people riot,he tries to break them apart when fighting,and saves a police officer,and for that,he is beaten by the police and taken to jail!No good deed goes unpunished,I guess!

Something common in Russian alien movies is the rioting against the police and the aliens,which I don't get! Speaking of something common in Russian movies ,is water having healing powers,which I actually like.


I didn't like the female leading character,as she seemed full of herself and selfish, and more towards the popular girl side. I didn't like the way she treated people. She hated her father for not spending time with her,but we didn't see her wanting to spend time with him. She just seemed a spoiled brat.


Also,they were on lockdown, they had a curfew,due to the alien so called invasion,but they went to concerts?! WTF?!


I didn't like the dubbing,because the actors sounded more like news anchors trying to act.


Rating : It's so money !