Beautiful Boy

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 2h


Genre : Drama


Cast : Timothee Chalamet, Steve Carell



The movie is based on books written by David Sheff and his son,Nic Sheff,and follows the story of Nic and his father ,during Nic's struggle with addiction.


Nic was a kid who excelled in pretty much everything,he was a good swimmer, he was accepted in 6 colleges,and yet,he was a drug addict!


Nic is 18 and has been battling addiction for a couple of years,as his father keeps on wasting money on rehabilitation centers that when he comes out of,starts using again.

Nic took pretty much all the drugs one could think of,from strong pills to cocaine and meth.He is addicted to meth,and is chasing that first high,as he thinks that's the best feeling that is,in this awful reality.


I personally didn't like Nic,I didn't understand why he did drugs,as prior to this,he had a great relationship with his father,and is clear his father loves him,and even his mother that he doesn't want to see.


Also,I felt his character wasn't fleshed out,as we were never told why he was using drugs,what was inside him that compelled him to do it,because his parents loved him,so it wasn't because he didn't feel loved. In his journal he wrote that when he is sober he feels ashamed for what he did, and he doesn't want to feel that way,so he keeps using. Just brilliant!


The actors were all good,especially Chalamet and Carell.

The movie had a beautiful soundtrack,the music composed for it,and the songs chosen.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video and HBO Max.


Rating : Could have been a contender !