
Year of release : 2002


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Thriller / Supernatural Horror / War


Cast : Bruce Greenwood, Olivia Williams, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Flemyng, Matthew Davis



American submarine USS Tiger Shark rescues the few survivors of a British hospital ship,one of them being a woman,who were sunk by the Nazis. Or so they think.


Once the survivors are on board,they start hearing whispers telling them to go back, and bad things start happening to the submarine, being even followed by the enemy.


The woman,who is a British doctor is sure the submarine is haunted,but the men laugh at her, not to mention they consider her a bad omen.


Slowly but surely, the crew starts fighting for survival, and the British woman discovers maybe there's something darker at play, and there's something more to what meets the eye.


This is one of my favorite movies,ever since I first watch it on HBO,20 years ago,where the title of the review was,in the HBO magazine, Atunci i-am condamnat pe toti la moarte, That's when I sentenced them all to death .


The acting is top notch, so are the visuals.


Below is streaming on Pluto Tv, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !