Big driver

Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h25min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Maria Bello, Ann Dowd, Joan Jett



Crime writer Tess Thorne has a meeting with her readers at a book club in another town.

As she's getting ready to leave the meeting, the leader of the book club offers to help her with the route home, putting a shorter, faster and more scenic path home into her device.


Reaching an area without a signal, her tire blows out as she discovers there were planks with nails hammered in them all around the street.


Finally a big driver offers to help, and as he does so, she sees the same planks with nails in the back of his pick-up. So it was planned.


As soon as she realizes it, his mood changes and he r@pes her for hours, until he thinks her dead,and throws her in a tube in the river.


In between, Tess wakes up finding other decomposing bodies there, pulls herself together, and walks towards towns,hiding when she sees lights.


She finally reaches a mall or maybe gas station and calls her house to leave details of her r@pe. Then decides to call a driver,after changing her mind about calling the police.


Home, although badly beaten, she decides to never tell a soul because to her, as a writer, people would laugh at her and think she had it coming. She starts thinking it was planned and remembers who had the idea to take another route.


I liked this movie, although it's very hard to watch at the r@pe part.


The actors are all great.


This is another movie made after a Stephen King novella,published in 2010 in his collection of stories "Full Dark,No stars" and it doesn't disappoint.


Rating : Worth a watch !