Big sky

Season 3


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 43min, 13 episodes


Genre : Crime / Mini Series / Tv Series


Cast : Jensen Ackles, Reba McEntire



The series are based on the book series The Highway by C.J. Box.


Private detectives Jenny Hoyt and Cassie Dewell are helped in solving cases,

in this Deadly Trails season, by sheriff Beau Arien .


In the 1st episode, Jenny, with the help of Beau,try to find an escaped convict,while Cassie is trying to find a missing back packer.

Beau seems to be friends with everyone,and everybody likes him,as he wants his subordinates to call him by his name. He's also a talker,and shares a lot about his private life to the 3 girls, as they all,seem to be interested in him.

There seems to be a serial killer on the loose.



Episode 2 finds Cassie still looking for the back packer.

The owner of the glamping site seems to know about what happened to the back packer but she's protecting her son.

Cassie also buys a farm from Jenny's nemesis.


Jenny and Beau find a whistleblower who is hiding from his employers.

Beau finds out his daughter is at the glamping site close to the place where the back packer went missing.



Episode 3 finds the camp with a camper gone missing. Beau's daughter thinks her boyfriend killed her,as when she found him he was full of blood.


Cassie is still looking for the missing backpacker.


Jenny's mother comes back into her life as she's working on a case and she is the main suspect. It seems she has quite a few toxic people in her life .



Episode 4


Beau and Jenny work on a case about a woman murdered by someone in a werewolf mask.


Cassie is still looking for the missing backpacker as his parents were sent a picture of him from someplace else,as a way to prove he is alive.


Sunny Barnes keeps on making bigger and bigger messes(trying to protect her son,instead making him and herself look like criminals ),instead of just letting things run their course,as her son doesn't seem to be the perpetrator.



Episode 5


Rachel is safe and hidden in Walter's house.


Cassie finds the back packer.


Tonya and Donno join the camp and threaten Luke.


Beau is trying to buy a bike for his daughter when a man is trying to steal a bike,and discovers a team of bank robbers.


Sunny gets her husband involved in her messes,as they're digging themselves deeper in the ground.



Episode 6


Walter is helping Rachel get her bag back.


Beau and Jenny investigate a home invasion gone bad, resulted in murder and the theft of whatever was in the back of the owner's car.


Cassie is investigating the back packer's death,which leads her to Sunny's camping site.

Sunny,who hates her, and her husband just love to make sure they're going down together.


Beau's ex wife is annoying.



Episode 7


The PI agency has a breaking and entering,and the detectives think it's the serial killer from 20 years back.


Buck stabs Mary for finding Paige's bag half buried in the forest. Bunny comes with a plan to cover their tracks. Buck doesn't seem too shaken he killed someone, also,it felt it came very easy to him to do so.


Jenny,Beau and Cassie start working together on the Bleeding Heart case.


Cormac starts suspecting his parents are hiding something from him.



Episode 8


Beau, Jenny are investigating Mary's death. They find out Tonya and Donno are at the glamping site, pretending to be married.

Beau starts suspecting Avery,his ex wife's husband, of being involved with the bad guys,as he has problems with his business.


Cormac is doing some investigating of his own,into his parents' past.



Episode 9


Walter gave himself up so Paige would have time to run away. He confesses to only killing Paige,to keep her safe from the people she stole 15 million from.


Cormac and Cassie go on a date,and she spoils it by talking about his parents. His father starts to look more and more like the serial killer.


Beau and Jenny investigate the death of a fire fighter who's parachute failed.


Turns out Avery is indeed working for the same bad guys Tonya and Donno do.



Episode 10



Paige reveals herself to Sunny,and they come up with a plan. Problem is, as Paige waits for Sunny to show up with Tonya and Donno, Buck kidnaps her.


Beau and Jenny find out about Walter's past ,while they have him in custody.


Jenny investigates the death of the groom at a wedding. And Beau and Cassie look into Walter's past,trying to find Meredith.



Episode 11


Jenny's mother comes back,asking for help,looking pretty beat up. As they talk,the bad guys she talks about break down the door, and take her,knocking Jenny unconscious.


Sunny,Tonya and Donno are looking for Paige,while Buck is taking her to his layer.


Beau takes his ex wife and daughter in,as Avery has trouble with the bad guys he's trying to con.


Jenny is looking for her mother,and finds her with a strange family.



Episode 12



Paige thinks she killed Buck trying to get out of his layer,but she's wrong.


Sunny starts suspecting Buck.


Avery teams up with Tonya and Donno, promising them a lot of the 15 million for their help.


Cormac helps Cassie find the bunker .



I don't understand how can an old man,after being hit repeatedly in the head with a hammer, survive without wounds ,and how can he still walk after being stabbed in the leg! Barely able to walk,he still manages to kill a young man who can walk just fine,and is perfectly healthy!

They always make the serial killers invincible,and I hate that!



Episode 13


Buck kidnapped Beau's daughter and the PI agency's secretary, and kills a man who tries to help them(SPOILERS Buck is wounded,he's supposed to have head injuries, and walks with a limp 'cause he's stabbed in the leg,but he manages,at his age,-he's probably 70 years old-, to knock a young man unconscious,just by hitting him against the car).


Cormac helps Cassie find the land his father owns,as the police think he is taking the girls there.


Sunny and Walter have a plan to deal with Buck.


Buck still thinks after all this,his wife will take him back. He has a plan to take her from the police(as she is talking to them) and trade the girls for her,but that's a lie, he takes Sunny,but wants to keep the girls for later,if you know what I mean(because the serial killer has an itch again and he has to scratch it).



Buck had no head injuries from being hit in the head with the hammer! At his old age,he can still overpower and smash Walter's face in with a rock! He then almost takes out Beau too! WTF?! Did I mention these are men in their prime? One of them a police officer,so, used to this!?! Who wrote this?!


The season seems action packed but to me it feels like a B movie . To be honest, I watched this because Jensen Ackles is one of my favorite actors for 20 years now!

The movie picked up in the last two episodes,and to be honest,only got my attention when they were only focusing on the Bleeding Heart serial k!ller, in the other episodes.


I don't like the songs chosen for the soundtrack.


The acting was most time fine, but the actress playing Mary was bad(or maybe the directing), when she had to act scared and trying to run away,she acted like in the Mel Brooks parodies, she just moved from one leg to the other, staying in the same place, so she could be killed by the old people, instead of running away from them!eye roll


Donno was funny. I loved his line about writing a review giving the glamping camp 0.0 stars!


The landscapes were beautiful,they made me wish I lived there!


The season is streaming on ABC, DirecTv, Fubo Tv, Hulu, Spectrum on Demand, and is for sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu.


Rating : Could have been to Worth a watch !