Big Stan

Year of release : 2007


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Comedy / Action


Cast : Rob Schneider , Jennifer Morrison, David Carradine



A con man is sentenced to 3 years in jail for fraud. Afraid in jail he might be at the mercy of strong inmates,he decides to learn martial arts.

He goes to a martial arts sports club,but he's the weakest there,and offends the teacher who kicks him out.


Outside,while lying on the floor,feeling sorry for himself,he sees The Master,and decides to learn martial arts from him.


The Master moves in with him and his wife,and trains him by making him eat raw meat and scorpions ( because you are what you eat and he takes their strength and nutrients..)


In 6 months he becomes the number 2 best student The Master had.


While in jail he sets the law, and the inmates learn to appreciate him.


The movie has pretty decent fighting scenes, but like all Rob Schneider movies is a bit vulgar ( I never understood his need for vulgarities) if you get passed that,I think the movie could be entertaining .


I actually like Rob Schneider movies,he always makes me laugh with tears. I watched this movie a few years ago and laughed with tears, but last night I didn't enjoy it as much . In the past I think I definitely would have given it a higher rating.


Rating : Could have been a contender !