Black Adam

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h5min


Genre : Action / Comedy / Adventure / Fantasy


Cast : Dwayne Johnson, Pierce Brosnan



The movie is based on the character created in 1945, and published by Fawcett Comics' The Marvel Family ! Since the 1970's, when DC Comics bought the Fawcett characters, Black Adam has become one of the archenemies of Captain Marvel, Shazam and the Marvel Family.

Only at the turn of the 21st century, Black Adam was redefined as a corrupted antihero, trying to clear his name and reputation.


Kahndaq, a florishing ancient civilization which precedes ancient Egypt and Rome, is today under the boot of foreign mercenaries from all around the world.


Adrianna, a specialist in foreign languages and her friends, are going to the place where they know the Crown of Saddaq is hidden,as they fear it might be discovered.


The Crown made by the ancient tyrant of Kahndaq, who enslaved his own people to dig for eternium,a rare mineral with magic properties found only in Kahndaq, is possessed, and whoever wears it becomes possessed with the power of the 6 major demons of hell.


They find the temple, and Adrianna finds the place where the crown is hidden, as she knows the ancient language of Kahndaq.

The mercenaries find them,and as they prepare to kill her, Adrianna recites what's written on the stone in front of her, awakening the one who was buried there.


Teth Adam fights the mercenaries and gets wounded, so Adrianna takes him to her place.


The Justice Society gathers a team of superheroes to fight Teth Adam as they fear what he might do.


Awakening, Teth Adam is meeting Adrianna's son, who is a superhero fan, and who is a bigger fan of Teth Adam. He tells him the people of Kahndaq hail him a hero and wait for his return.

Teth Adam seems to not know how doors work,as he always goes straight through walls, although he says they did have doors in his time.


The kid teaches him how to be a superhero, and to have a catch phrase, and Teth Adam listens.


The Justice Society comes for Teth Adam, but they can't defeat him, and people cheer Adam as they say to the Justice Society they never helped them with the mercenaries taking over their country for 27 years.

Justice Society comes across as superheroes who mind in matters that don't concern them, and who might be in the wrong, but they are not the villains.


Ishmail,a friend of Adrianna, wants the crown as he wants to bring hell on earth.


Teth Adam gets attached to the kid, and at the reveal towards the end, we understand why the kid grew on him,sort of speak. He also, keeps on staring at the statue of him, representing the Champion of Kahndaq, and again, at the reveal, we understand why.


The movie had good action scenes, good visual effects, good soundtrack. I enjoyed it,as it delivered funny lines.

The actors were good, Dwayne Johnson created a brooding character,delivering witty remarks.

Adrianna reminded me of Lara Croft. Adrianna is named Isis on Google (?!) and Superman , Henry Cavill,appears in a post credits scene.


The movie is out in cinemas, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, AMC on Demand , DirecTv, Google, Redbox, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money!


The Rock recreating the comic book cover for the movie