Blood red sky

Language : German / English


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h03min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Dominic Purcell



A woman with a rare disease leaves Germany for the USA to be helped by a doctor. Unluckily, the plane is hijacked by a terrorist group who already marked the muslim passengers, wrote a series of requests for them to read,framing them as the terrorists.


The woman, who is constantly injecting herself, stops doing it once she is shot dead by the volatile terrorist who posed as a stewardess.


This is a vampire story, with a different take on how the vampires look and act. They completely change their appearance once they feed on human blood, becoming more animal-like,not only in nature,but in looks.


I didn't like it,and I'll tell you why. The movie starts with the end. Then it goes to the beginning with the woman and her child getting ready to leave for the airport and then board the plane. Then it goes back in time for the second time, while we're already back in time, to show us what happened to her, to make her the way she is. I don't like that, the double going back in time while we're already back in time.



I also didn't like the fact the vampire was such a pathetic excuse for a vampire, that it couldn't fight and put down a few men. Also,I didn't like the fact the villains, who were already annoying and evil, got to become vampires and be more evil.

In the end  - the whole plane is turned into vampires except for two passengers. I didn't like this vampire friendly approach,so to speak,in which the lead vampire is weak and not only more vampires are created,but way too many.


The acting was fine,the visual effects were fine,but that's it.


As a Netflix production,the movie streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : The horror,The HORROR !