Blow out

Year of release : 1981


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : John Travolta, John Lighgow


Director : Brian de Palma



Out one night to record street sounds for a horror movie he works on, a movie sound recordist, Jack , records an accident. Not just any accident, but that of a politician.


As the car the politician was in goes into the lake, he jumps into the water, trying to save the ones inside,and rescues a woman.


At the hospital he's told by the ones working for the politician to never talk about the man having been in the car with a young woman,as he was married and had children. He agrees.


As he works on the movie he was hired for, listening to the recordings of that night, he realizes the car had its tire shot at, after which came the blow out.


Turns out the opposition hired a man to catch him in the act with the woman, more like, stage an accident, which would reveal he was a cheater,to take him out of the race campaign.

Unluckily for the opposition, they hired an unstable man, who thought k!lling him would be better,and now goes on a k!lling spree around town, murdering young women looking like the girl the politician was in the car with, as he wants to k!ll her too, so they'll be no witnesses .


Jack gets in touch with the girl who was given money to leave town, and tries to convince her she's in danger.


I hated the music,which I though didn't match the movie,the scenes it was played in.

Most of the actors were fine, I didn't like how Nancy Allen acted.


I usually love Brian de Palma movies,but this was not one of them.


Rating : Could have been a contender !