Blue Valentine

Year of release : 2010


Run time : 1h52min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams



A married couple seems to be lost in their day to day problems,the wife more than the husband. It's obvious she is not pleased with the way things are in her life,with what she has.

She wants more from life while the husband seems to be happy with the life they have. She doesn't want to be intimate with him anymore,and is always dismissing him whenever he tries to touch her.


We see him trying to get close to her,booking a romantic hotel,while at the same time we see her trying to get away from him.


The things she does make no sense,as she doesn't explain herself. It's like she expects him and the audience to read her mind. I hated her !


While we see the end of the relationship unfold,we are taken to the beginning,to how it all begun,to how they met,and how they ended up getting married. The happiness in the beginning is in opposition to the sadness and boredom at the end.


They are talking but they don't say anything. Even I have better conversations with my friends !

He's supposed to have a temper problem,but I think it's because of her,because she doesn't know how to communicate. She's always tired, sad,and other synonyms, she seems to be bored with her life,and hate her life and mostly her husband. She doesn't have a reason for it,at least,if she does I didn't find it by the end of the movie.


This is a boring drama about nothing,which is just wasting the viewers' time. The actors are awkward, as if they just met, they have a bad dialogue and plot. Sometimes,the angels they filmed in has somebody's arm right in front of the face of the character who talks, so you can imagine how much I liked the directing and all that.


Rating : The Horror,THE HORROR !