Bram Stoker's Shadowbuilder

Year of release : 1998


Run time : 2h


Genre : Supernatural horror


Cast : Michael Rooker, Kevin Zegers



A cult is doing a ritual to summon a demon. The father of the year,who claims he doesn't believe in this nonsense,offers the hair and nails of his own son,along with a picture of his,for the demon to inhabit!


What I believed to have been a cop,because he held 2 guns and killed the remaining cult members,after the demon turned them into shadows, is moving at a very slow pace,to make sure he gives the cult the time to summon their demon. It turned out he was a priest,so he's a sort of Van Helsing.


Once loose,the demon travels through the city's canals,and turns people into mummies as he eats them,these people turning into shadows the moment the light hits them.


I couldn't watch more than 30 minutes of this movie,as it's very bad,it has very bad visual effects,the plot is bad,the acting is not so amazing...I almost fell asleep,and it was 8 o'clock in the evening!


Also,it says Bram Stoker's but the action takes place in our time,not in the 1800's when he lived ( Bram Stoker lived between 1847-1912),so it's obviously,not his version of the story.


For whoever wants to watch it,the YouTube link to the full movie ,here:


Rating : The Horror,The HORROR !